Filed under: Health and Safety, Moms, Toddler

As soon as I was mostly over that, Riley started coughing, and ran a fever on Christmas night that had us all stressed out and trying to figure out how that stupid ear thermometer works (hint: if the batteries are dead, it DOESN'T).
Once Riley's cough started to subside, my husband mentioned that his throat felt itchy, and soon enough he started acting exactly like this guy.
Then-for a brief, shining moment, no one was sick. I believe this occurred at 3:24 AM January 2.
This morning JB informed he felt like "ass". All day long Riley's nose has been running like a faucet. And thanks to the flurry of sneezing I've been doing, I'm back to perfecting my Jackson Grab technique.
Well, I hope the family that shares germs together stays together, because it's the only silver lining I can think of in this ridiculous game of Pass the Disease. May your house stay pestilence-free this winter, friends.Permalink | Email this | Linking Blogs | Comments