Friday, August 15, 2008

Do you pluck your gray hair?

Filed under: Lifestyle, ParentDish Laughs, Momwear, Creative projects, Feminism, Making a Difference, EnvironmentalBreck, anyone? Come on, admit it. Not that you have gray hair--'cuz I know you do. At least one. Unless you plucked it. Even if you colored it, it still started its sad little life out as a gray hair. And that stinks. Or does it? I pluck my gray hair. Not so sure that I should. The old adage said that for every one gray hair plucked three would grow in its place--rather like that mythic sea monster of (I think) Greek myth. My mother warned me not to pluck mine--not because of the adage, but because she said one couldn't be too sure if anything would grow back. At least one could dye one's grays and still keep a full head of hair. I pluck the heck out of mine. I don't even have that many, but I keep it that way by plucking anything that looks even remotely transluscent to within an inch of its life. As a result, my hair has grown back, but they're still gray and now they're really short and stick out to boot. So perhaps better to not pluck. Then again, having tghem stick out like that makes them easier to spot. The ones that live deep under my mane that only show up when I get whimsical for a pony tail I have to search for, but the short ones, well, they just pop out like a sore thumb. The sad truth of it is that I don't even really care that I'm going gray. I just enjoy the art of plucking. Really. For me, it's like sport. Ask my husband. It moved from my eyebrows to the head. Honestly, I don't think women care that much anymore. Or do they? What about you--do you pluck, color or let live? Pic of the best head of gray hair I've ever seen by caseywest.Permalink | Email this | Linking Blogs | Comments