Filed under: Family togetherness, 6-7 years, Creative projects

Now we live in Idaho where the snow is different. In the valley where we live, it comes down sparingly and usually melts within 24 hours. Except for this year. While it could never rival New York snow, this year's Idaho snow has been sticking around for weeks at a time. Like a tease, it all melted away Saturday, only to reappear two-fold on Sunday. So much for our plans to take our new roller skates out for a spin.
After exhausting all my ideas for indoor activities and failing to interest Ellie in a nice, long nap, we did what had to be done. We bundled up and went outside to play in the snow. I don't like to be cold and neither does Ellie, so our excursion didn't last long. In fact, it lasted just long enough for us to realize that we haven't a clue when it comes to making a snowman. Instead, we made something that looks kind of like a legless muppet body-builder, holding a bouquet of plastic flowers. Yeah, that's what we meant for it to look like. Only 74 more days until Spring!
By the way, how do you make a snowman?Permalink | Email this | Linking Blogs | Comments