Filed under: Toddler, Parks, Adventures in Parenting, Exploring, Outings

*exhaling slowly*
The good news is that we are all on the mend! And the Southern California rain has stopped! You know what that means, don't you? Park time!
We are lucky enough to live within walking distance to a fantastic park, complete with all sorts of climbing equipment, slides and swings. Unfortunately, Wito has NO interest in the equipment. He just wants to run and run and run and run (preferably straight to the busy street where the gas-guzzling Hummers rule the road).
I find myself envious of all the other mothers, sitting together at the sandbox and chatting up a storm while their little ones build sandcastles and play with toys. I, on the other hand, am usually dripping in sweat and huffing like a horse, chasing his little rump around a two-block radius.
I wonder, is it a boy thing? A toddler thing? Will I ever be able to sit down?
Ultimately, who cares? I'll take a park mini-marathon over the barking croup anytime.Permalink | Email this | Linking Blogs | Comments