Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Recommendations On Proper Toddler Care For First Time Moms

By Carie Papas

If you are getting ready for a new baby, you might be a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of learning everything there is to know about baby care. There are definitely a few things that you absolutely must know, however, a lot of the information that you need will come naturally and by instinct. Follow are a few of the most important things to remember when bringing your new infant home.

You want to make sure to stock up on all that you need before your delivery day. This way, you will not have drive to the store while carrying your newborn along. You should have a generous number of diapers, baby washes, wipes and even special, gentle detergents for washing infant clothing.

Infants have skin that is very sensitive. For this reason, you must have a laundry detergent that does not have a lot of dyes or perfumes in it. This will reduce the likelihood for rashes and other skin issues.

Many parents mistakenly believe that it is necessary to always have talcum powder on hand. These products are very dusty and are therefore, not good for the respiratory systems of infants. It is far more preferable to simply keep diapers regular clean and dry in order to avoid the need for any such products.

It is additionally important to purchase alcohol wipes or a bottle of rubbing alcohol and cotton balls. You will need these to clean your child's navel. As the umbilical cord dries out and falls off, this will be necessary for eliminating germs from any open or exposed skin.

You might find bath time to be a bit challenging. Many babies love the feel of the water when the temperature is perfect. You can use a towel to wrap your youngster while in the bath so that there is not much exposure to cold air. You also want to use your elbow or forearm to check water temperatures rather than your hands. Your hands might not recognize high temperatures given their regular exposure to hot dishwater or your own steamy baths. The skin on other areas of the arms is therefore better for this purpose.

Baby care consists of quite a few more things than just these. Luckily, you will get lots of time to learn the various aspects of caring for your infant and your are not likely to make a lot of errors. The love and diligence that parents apply to these learning experiences makes it possible for them to quickly succeed in every lesson.

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