Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to Ensure an Adequate Breast Milk Supply

By Saraliz Schaefer

Are you committed to breastfeeding your baby, but you're worried your milk supply won't be able to keep up? Worry no more. I'll give you the information you need to ensure your breast milk supply is abundant. I've exclusively breastfed two children and while I've struggled with many breastfeeding issues, I've never had a problem maintaining a steady milk supply. Read on, and I'll let you in on how simple it is to keep that milk flowing!

Breastfeed your baby often. This is the most important thing you can do to maintain your breast milk supply. The amount of milk your body produces is directly related to how much you feed your baby. When your baby is a newborn, offer the breast frequently. The breast can be a great source of comfort, as well as nutrition. So, offer your baby the breast if she is sleepy, or sick or in pain. You'll not only be comforting your baby, but you'll also be ensuring an abundant breast milk supply!

Maintaining a good milk supply also depends on how well you know your baby. Keep a close eye for hunger cues like rooting, whimpering, and sucking on her fingers. You should feed your baby as soon as she exhibits any of these hunger signs. Don't depend on a feeding schedule to tell you when to feed your baby. Feeding your baby as soon as she shows signs of hunger is called feeding on demand. Feeding your baby on demand is the most important thing you can do to keep a great breast milk supply!

When you're talking about breast milk, supply and demand go hand-in-hand. If demand goes down, supply does also. Your baby will go through periods of accelerated growth and will require more calories to fuel his increased metabolic needs. His demand will increase. Therefore, your supply will increase. Your baby may eat as often as every hour during these intense periods of growth!

So, nurse your baby frequently if you want to have a great breast milk supply! Nurse her if she's hurting. Nurse her if she's tired or sick. Feed her if she just wants to snuggle! Keep in mind, the more you nurse your baby, the better breast milk supply you will have!

Happy Feeding!

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