Monday, October 31, 2011

Fun Facts About Babies You Might Not Have Heard

By Silva Carvalho

Sure you know that most of a baby's day involves sleeping eating and bowel relief. Do you understand why a baby will move his body the way he does? Do you understand how babies develop? Many adults do not take the time to learn exactly how their children mature. For others though, the subject of infant and early childhood development is something that they make the time to learn about.

Babies are full of surprises! At least half the things you thought you knew about babies might not even be true at all! Read on to learn more about babies and early childhood development!

Light is an early sensitivity for babies-it starts happening in utero. Millions of fibers and nerve endings connect together to create your eyes. You would be surprised by just how much coordination is needed for your eyes to work properly. It only takes a few months from conception to form working eyes. Even as early as six months after conception your baby will show signs of light sensitivity. Another interesting fact about babies: most Caucasian babies will not show their "true" eye color until a few months after they are born. The blue color in your baby's eyes will probably change if you are Caucasian. Don't get too set on the color blue you see in a newborn's eyes. They might change before you know it!

You know about babies growing tails right? That's right! For the first few weeks after conception takes place your baby will grow a tail as he grows the rest of his vital organs.

Most people believe that babies do not know how to smile before they are born. Smiling is often attributed to gas or the baby's having to go to the bathroom-at least until it reaches a few weeks in age. For decades most people believed that babies had to learn how to smile-that it was a condition picked up by the infant early in life. Crying seemed to be instinctual so everyone thought it was simply easier for babies to show when they were displeased and that expressing pleasure was something they had to be taught how to do. Now scientists have learned differently. As ultrasound technology progresses, more people are able to see their babies smiling in the womb. Doctors are now able to give parents pictures of their children's' smiles weeks before the children are due to be born. Now scientists and doctors believe the reason babies do not smile for a while after they are born is because the process of being born is too traumatic.

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