Sunday, February 24, 2008

Educating Toddlers Through Toys

Toddlers may sometimes have their tantrums but it is nice to see them quietly playing with their toys. It is the responsibility of the parent or the guardian in keeping the toys clean and non-harmful to the health of these little angels. Toys have been adored and cared by people of all ages but have been especially in the hearts of the kids.

A lot of toddler educational toys are sold in toy stores and online. Choosing the right toy is solely based on the instinct of the adults. Toys help the children in learning the basic stuff before they go to school and learning other things not learnt at home.

The home is the first school of each child therefore no matter what they are doing, the adults should teach them whatever their minds are able to absorb. Toys are also a great means in starting to teach them and helping them learn and differentiate things. Adults should just decide on which toy would help their kid learn better.

A toy with pictures of various vehicles can be one. You just need to teach him one vehicle at a time. Do this in a repetitive manner until the child knows what it is. Afterwards, teach and show him another vehicle. Do the same process of telling and pointing him what it is and then do the same for the rest. Patience is needed in this job so don't expect the child to memorize and distinguish all the vehicles overnight. Farm and zoo animals can be used too.

Colors and the ABC is another basic thing that the toddlers can learn with their toys. Adults should buy colorful toys and teach their child what colors are present in the toy. There are also stuffed toys that are shaped like letters. These can also be used in teaching them the alphabet.

Opposites are another thing that the toddlers must learn. They should know black and white, sunny and rainy, wet and dry and others. Opposites are common among toddlers and they are also taught in school making them understand these things better.

Numbers should also be taught to the kids since they will be counting things until they get older. You can start teaching them from one to ten. A better way to do this is to line up their toys and then count them one by one. Afterwards, let the child repeat the numbers as you say it so that they can count on their own.

There are also toys that can do talk and teach. This is usually battery operated and is easy to use. The child just has to press a button and then he should follow the instructions as they are stated. This can be helpful to working parents since they cannot always be at home.

Toys are there to accompany the parents and their kids as they grow up. Sooner or later, the toys that the children loved before may not be loved as they grow older. At least these toys helped, in one way or another, in molding and informing kids to some things they ought to know.

Rachel Nunez is ready to answer your kids toys questions. For more tips and information about toddler educational toys, please check out