Wednesday, September 12, 2007

How Breast-feeding Benefits You And Your Baby?

Breast feeding benefits the nursing mother in many ways. It is
good for your figure. Fat stores developed during pregnancy are
laid down specifically for lactation. In the absence of breast
feeding, that fat will look unseemly in various parts of your
body. With breast feeding you burn almost 1000 calories each
day. With a little care and management your beauty can blossom
forth. Nursing does not ruin the breast. Instead you become a
fuller blossomed woman and with proper care of the breasts light
massage etc. during breast feeding, you may yourself be
surprised to see how shapely your breast look after a year of
delivery. It is an established fact that breast feeding, causes
the uterus to shrink more quickly to pre pre-gnancy size. It
also decreases the post delivery bleeding. There is no
menstruation generally for the entire period of active breast
feeding. It is good for health because you get many spells of
relaxation every day when you are feeding and making love with
your child. Hormone prolactin also enhances this feeling of
relaxation. Breast feeding is nature's contraceptive. Hormonal
balance in your body will prevent ovulation. But, please note
that breastfeeding, on its own, is not a very reliable method of
family planning.

Breast feeding is convenient for the nursing mother, no bottle
have breasts with are not limited by the size of the breasts.
You can breast-feed a premature baby. You can breast-feed even
if you have started mensurating and even if unluckily you have
become pregnant again, in which case quantity of breastfeeding
will have to be reduced. In case of breastfeeding your child
continues to smell good. Even his bowel and milk spit do not
have the strong odour of a bottle-fed.

After a couple of weeks, breast feeding becomes pleasurable for
the mother. Many nursing mothers say that the pleasure sensation
they feel in their breasts and in their genital region while
they are nursing are very similar to the sensations they
experience during sexual excitement.

Breast milk alone is the best feed for a baby upto 4-6 months
of age. Breast milk is nutritionally and chemically balanced. It
is at the right temperature. It is sterile and contains immune
substances. And it is available to the baby always. It is always
ready to drink, sanitary and uncontaminated. Its protein is
nutritious and digestable than cow's milk protein. Mother's milk
has higher level of zinc which is important for growth and for a
strong immune system of the child. It prevents constipation and
lowers the incidence of food allergies. Breast-fed infants use
their calories more economically.

Dr.A.S. Goldman of the University of Texas Branch at Galveston
says, "it is already widely accepted that human milk is rich in
factors that protect directly against infection, but we found
evidence that it contains at least one factor that activates the
baby'' own immune system"" Mother'' milk transmits antibodies
and protective substances Scientists have found that 75% of the
cells in breast milk are macrophages that kill bacteria, fungi
and virus. Those cells also help to stop the growth of cancer
cells. Scientists have also recently discovered that a solution
containing 5% content of human milk killed half a culture of
parasites in a test tube within 30 minutes. Cow's or goat's milk
was unable to produce a similar result.

Breast feeding causes less diarrhoea, no respiratory illness
and less of other infections. It promotes better digestion by
forming softer curds in his in his stomach. There are no
allergic reactions, no eczema, asthama or running nose. Suckling
at the breasts is good for baby's teeth and jaw development as
these muscles are exercised in suckling.

The main case against breast feeding is that it is a solitary
pursuit and becomes boring for the mother. Of course this
activity cannot be shared by others. But imagine how much
opportunity it provides for forming bonds between the mother and
the child and thus laying a foundation for a happy family
relationship. It does require an effort and a commitment. But if
such a commitment is not there, why go in for a child at all.
Another objection raised is that there is no easy way of knowing
as to how much milk has been consumed by the child in case of
breastfeeding. The wet diaper, regular bowel movement, sleep
following nursing, the bright eyes, alert look, the glow and the
smile on the face of the child all show his contentment. Mother
also feels the flow and a periodic weight gain will by itself
show how much is the intake. The only problem faced in case of
breast feeding is that the medicines taken by the mother get
transferred to the milk. But only a few commonly used drugs are
contra indicated for the child. Most vitamin supplements are
contra indicated for the child. Most vitamin supplements are
safe. The mother as also her physician have to be careful in
this behalf.

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