Paroxysms of pain. This condition usually occurs in the
abdominal region but may occur in other body regions as
(Paroxysms - . A sudden uncontrollable attack; "a paroxysm
of giggling"; "a fit of coughing".)
But really that doesn't answer your question. In terms of
babies, we know that colic causes babies to cry and cry,
much more than other babies who are not suffering from
colic. What are signs of Colic? When babies with colic
cry, they may draw their arms and legs in tight toward
their bodies and appear to be in pain. Or other times they
stretch out their arms and legs and stiffen, then draw up
tight again. You may notice that baby's face turns bright
red from excessive crying.
Babies are diagnosed with colic when their crying lasts for
more than three hours a day. You may find that colicky
babies get fussier toward the end of the day, but colic can
happen at any time.
A baby with colic may cry for long periods or may cry
almost all of the time. And you may have already noticed
that when your baby cries, they may swallow air. This
swallowing is likely to give your baby uncomfortable gas.
Having an extra amount of gas in your baby's tummy will
make it look swollen and feel tight, which can of course
make your baby more uncomfortable. What Causes Colic? This
has long been a question without a definite answer. Still
no one is quite sure what actually causes colic. Babies
with colic are healthy, so it does not appear to be caused
by a medical problem. And colic is not caused by the way a
baby is cared for. Without a doubt it is not any fault of
the parent.
A milk allergy was once considered to be a possible cause,
but now doctors believe that this is rarely the case, as
breastfed babies can get colic too. Many believe that colic
is caused by excessive gas in the tummy which is the result
of baby swallowing too much air while crying. How long
will Colic last? Colic usually starts when baby is three to
six weeks old. And will typically go away when they are
around three months old. If your baby still appears to show
signs of colic after three months of age, they may be
experiencing a reflux disorder and you may wish to visit
your baby's physician for guidance. How can I help soothe
my colicky baby? There is no one treatment which has been
proven to make colic go away, but there are some simple
things you can try to soothe your colicky baby. For example
many babies calm when they are gently rocked, bounced or
held closely to their parent's body. By being held close,
your baby may feel more warm and secure, and your body
movements may help to calm. Try also swaddling. Being
swaddled for many babies helps them to organize. You may
also try singing or humming a calming tune to your little
one. This soothing sound may also calm you too!
And without a doubt, try massaging your baby's tummy. In
some cases, gently massaging baby's tummy has helped to
move uncomfortable gasses out of the intestinal tract
relieving tightness and discomfort. Massage should be
given to baby in a clockwise circular motion using your
full soft hand. This massage specifically pinpoints the
digestive tract and should help to ease your baby's pain by
helping them to pass painful gas. How to cope when your
baby has colic? If your baby has colic, surely your family
life has been turned upside down. You may find it extremely
stressful and upsetting when your baby is crying for hours
and cannot be easily comforted. Of course like many
parents, you may feel guilty even though you are not the
cause of your little one's colic. No one wants to see their
baby in pain.
Caring for a baby with colic can be extremely frustrating,
so be sure to take care of yourself, too.
Don't blame yourself or your baby for the constant crying -
colic is nobody's fault. Try to relax, and remember that
your baby will eventually outgrow this phase. It is
absolutely okay if you need a break. It may be necessary
for you to call on friends or family as reinforcement.
If you're unsure whether your baby's crying is colic or a
symptom of another illness, call your doctor.
Looking for the best ways to care for and comfort your
little one? Find answers to all your questions about infant
and children's massage at . With
over a decade of service to children and families, Tina
Allen, founder of leading children's health and nurturing
touch organization Liddle KidzT, has become an
internationally respected parent educator and expert in the
field of infant massage and children's massage therapy.